Sunday, December 7, 2008

ThoughtWorks Cruise: First Impressions

We use CruiseControl.Net as our continuous integration server in our company. CruiseControl.NET is a great tool and helps us a lot in adopting our continuous integration practice. Over the years a lot of cruise control projects accumulated. Currently we have 8 build servers with all together over 100 projects. Most of the time some servers just do nothing while others are under heavy load. So we're looking for a solution to use our hardware more efficiently.

What we really need is a tool that can distribute builds to different machines. Fortunately most of the commercial continuous integration servers do support this kind of feature. Most of them use some sort of a server/agent based concept to distribute builds. Thoughtworks provides a good overview of several CI products that are available on the market. I decided to have a deeper look at Cruise, the enterprise version of Cruise Control from Thoughtworks.

So I downloaded the free edition of Cruise 1.1 and installed it on my laptop. Cruise consists of a server (Cruise Server) and several agents (Cruise agents), that receive work delegated from the server. Therefore a build can be processed in parallel by several cruise agents. What I really liked about Cruise is their implementation of the concept of the deployment pipeline. Cruise allows monitoring of changes to an application as they progress from initial check-in to functional testing, performance testing, user acceptance testing, staging, and release. A pipeline consists of one ore more stages which again consists of jobs. You can consider a pipeline configuration as a workflow of a particular release process. In that way Cruise goes beyond basic continuous integration that many products support these days.

What's interesting is that not every state transition has to be automatically triggered. Some stages may be manually approved before the release process can go further. For instance, in my current project most of the tests are accomplished manually by domain experts outside of the development team. During an iteration or at the end of an iteration we provide builds for manuall testing. In Cruise, this process could be implemented by a stage that needs manual approval.

When I hit Cruise's dashboard for the first time I was disappointed about the few features the product seemed to provide. The main page has just four tabs for viewing the current activity, managing pipelines and agents and a administration tab. Everything looked so minimalistic. But when I begun to use it, I was surprised that most of the things I wanted to do I could do.

But there are some negative points too. In the current version 1.1 they just support Subversion, Mercurial, Git and Perforce for source control integration. There are some other features that are missing in comparison to CruiseControl.NET. There is no support for visualizing reports from tools like FxCop or NCover, just NUnit is supported. They don't provide a plugin mechanism like Cruise Control. So there is currently no contribution or self extension possible.

To summarize, Cruise looks very promising for me. I really liked the concept of pipelines and the minimalistic user interface. From a CruiseControl.NET user perspective there are some key features missing in the current version 1.1. But I'm sure that the agile guys from Thoughtworks will soon come out with a new version that may include those missing features.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marco

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this review and for your feedback. I just wanted to point out that there is a way to see your reports in Cruise. Check out Integrating artifacts in tabs. Another example of where we could do a better job of highlighting the available functionality...

Marco Studer said...

Thanks Jez for pointing that out.

Integrating artifacts in tabs is a useful feature. The problem is that most tools just output xml files. These files have to be transformed to visualize the reports properly. I think you have do this in Cruise by your own.

CruiseControl.NET offers merging of build outputs and provides xsl files for the most common tools out of the box.